Wednesday, June 29, 2016

You Don't Have to Be Perfect

I don’t care where you are in life or what you do for a living; there is NO SUCH THING AS A PERFECT PARENT.  Yeah we may strive to try and be the BEST parent for our children, but I know for a fact we are far from receiving that PERFECT reward.
I mean what is perfect anyway? I know we may sometimes stress ourselves to the max to try and have everything in our life in order, but things can get out of hand.
So why should you feel guilty about it? In my opinion, we don’t need to have the finest clothes to stay up to date so we can fit in with others.  Yeah, that might be what other parents do, but for me, I won’t wear it unless it’s on sale and I can afford to. i'm just saying.
Sometimes, I admit, I can stress myself a little bit too much. It can be over things like keeping my house in order EVERYDAY. For example, before I leave for work, even if I’m rushing so I won’t be late, I feel everything needs to be back in place. I know there’s nothing wrong with a tidy home, but I decided it’s  to let things get out of place during the week. So when the weekend comes I can clean up and start fresh for the next week ahead.
When it comes to handling the kids, in a way you THINK  or was TAUGHT to do, it can be tough but just know each day is a lesson to be learned. Parenting on some days, well lets be honest, some moments are good; especially with toddlers; other days are not so good.
So do we need to beat ourselves up about it?Of course not. It’s not about having the perfect little house, family, etc. It’s about loving and progressing during the imperfections. It took me some time to get to this point, but I am more accepting of the not so perfect moments.
I most definitely want to pass this mindset to my kids. As they are getting older , I want them to know that it doesn’t matter what people say about you. I want them to be confident enough to know that’s it’s okay to not be perfect or to ‘’fit in the crowd’.Life has a lot more meaning than that.
So note to self and other mothers out there, I may sound like a broken record and I apologize, but some things may need to be repeated until it’s deeply rooted in our brains.


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