Monday, May 9, 2016

Acceptance and Love

As you get older and grow through things (notice I said grow and not go), you start to see life in a different light. I’m not just talking about circumstances, but also the people you hang around and others you just come in contact with on a daily basis.
 You often can feel vibes of others when you first introduce yourself; that vibe can either pull you in or make you run away.  What I’ve come to realize this past weekend is that I am starting to accept people where they are in life.  Without the stress of trying to change them for what I THINK they should be like. Nobody is perfect and everyone has their own journey to go through. 

I know growing up, I’ve always been that friend where I will tell someone what I think is better for them, (probably still the same way today lol) but i came out in a forceful way of trying to actually change them.  I had to learn that people can’t change people, only God can. We can provide the inspiration and the tools, but ultimately it’s up to that person and God to make those changes.

I’ve always wanted to see the good in people and watch them reach their full potential.  I can tell God is working on me to be in inspiration to others. As I am constantly praying and asking for his strength and guidance to do what I’m supposed to do. I want to be molded into that woman He wants me to be.
I can say I am not perfect but I am happy and I am going to choose to stay that way. Every day is a gift and I am thankful for the ones I still communicate with and choose to be around. Family is family, whether they are in the blood line are not; we all come from GOD anyway.

I also think accepting our children for who they become and not forcing them to be who we want them to be, could be beneficial. When they get older, they will remember the things we taught them to guide them on the right path. So when they do fall off or get side tracked, those words we instilled into them will come right on time to pull them back on track.

So anyways, accept yourself, your children and those who you surround yourself with and always do it with LOVE!!!