Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Absent Parent


Do you ever feel you don't spend as much time with your children when you have spare time to do so?
I mean, we all love our times off work to get a few extra things done right? That time can be spent on running a few errands around town or getting some things done around the house. So the question is, how many of us spend some of that 'extra' time with our children?

I know for me, I have noticed I tell my kids to go play in their room or get on their tablets, just so I can do what I want to do and relax. To be honest, majority of that 'relaxing' time is just me scrolling on my phone, doing absolutely nothing productive.
(I know, I know, shame on me)

In reality, me telling my kids to go 'play'  all the time can not be a good thing for them or me. I know if I was a kid and my parents told me to go to my room all the time, I would probably start to think they didn't like me LOL.
When we work a full-time job,  the time we have is limited and there's just not enough hours in  the day to do all we want and need to do.

But with me being a writer, I am ALWAYS jotting things down in a notebook, I think maybe I should take my own advice and create a TIME SCHEDULE for myself.
(yeah I know I have mommy minutes on the side of the Blog, but that's another topic lol)

That right there may be the problem solver to many of my 'time' issues. I'm realizing what my habits are and I am willing to change them for the better.

So, with that being said, if there are any mothers struggling and juggling their daily time, let's put our cell phones to a better use. I'm sure we spend majority of our days on it them anyway. How about creating an alarm for each activity you do during the day. It may even seem like more time is available to get things accomplished.

Just remember, everything doesn't have to be done all in one day.