Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Perfectly Imperfect

PERFECT. Is this what every woman wants to be? From childhood to adulthood, you're on a mental journey where you're constantly getting messages and seeing images of how to be just that. PERFECT. By perfect I mean the body of a model with no blemishes; being skinny w/ long hair and a flat tummy. It is all what the world would like to see, right? We get all types of signs whether it's on a commercial or advertisements in magazines, where you can be a better looking you.
 But luckily we are in a generation where women are kind of starting to enjoy the 'natural' them. So why is it still a struggle to FULLY ACCEPT who God made you to be??? I mean if you haven't notice, our God is very creative and not one individual we see is alike. It's kind of amazing how beautiful the picture is painted with many different shapes, sizes and colors. So why is the world wanting us to look the same? Do you ever think of that? Why as a woman do I have to worry about not eating certain things then feel guilty if I skip a workout session? 

It’s the mindset of trying to look like the woman we see on the movies or that magazine. It’s subconsciously in the back of our minds. The comparison may be unintentional but still in our thought process if you’re NOT truly confident in yourself. Many women, as you can see on the media try to change things permanently to feel and ''look'' beautiful.  Honestly in my opinion, they look more like a picked on projects, ready to fall apart. But hey, who am I to judge their choices to make them feel better about themselves.

My point for this topic is because I struggle w/ comparing myself w/ other women sometimes who I think are prettier, in shape or just seem to have their life in order. It’s not so much now, as I am starting to accept my flaws and all. I had to accept the fact I am ME and beautiful as I am . There may be things that I want to change or tighten up but all I have to do is continue to take those baby steps. Nothing changes overnight. I have to enjoy the journey and don’t stress myself about how far one woman is compared to me. Everyone has to go crawl before they walk.

So if you’re a mother or a woman who may be going through that season of comparison or not feeling like the best you, take a look in the mirror. Remind yourself that you are unique and you are beautiful just the way you are NO MATTER WHAT anybody says. If someone complains about how you look, just know they are unhappy with themselves. Remember God loves you. If you have to remind yourself of your beauty and celebrate your imperfections, just look at your children. Children are gifts from heaven, given to the chosen one’s to take care of them. So you must be the perfect one right? 

Celebrate your imperfections! It's okay not to be PERFECT. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Start to Finish

Have you ever began a project and never finished it? By project I mean anything, like starting a diet, an exercise routine or even wanting to do something more of what you enjoy instead of pushing it off. The project can be bettering yourself mentally, physically, financially or whatever it may be. I'm pretty sure we've all had those moments or have those moments right now.

I know for a fact that it is a daily struggle of mine and the days keep going by as I am still standing still . This past week has taught me a few things about life and how each one of us is accountable for ourselves and what we do in our life. I'm sure we all know that, but do we actually apply that knowledge to our own lives?

We can watch others live their lives and wish as we're scrolling through Instagram or Facebook. We can wonder why we're not where they are in life or enjoying it as much as they make it seem on the pictures they post. One thing I've come to realize is we're not on the same journey as others. We can't sit here and wish and hope and don't do. We have to get up and do something with ourselves. Those people we follow on the social media are doing what they chose to do but you have to remember they had to get up and go for what they wanted. I can sit here all day if I want to and let days pass me by until something dramatic happens. Then I have regrets on why I didn't start to move sooner than later.

Don't wait for those dramatic moments in life to get your attention for you to move. It's so easy to give up and stay still and watch. It takes strength and self discipline to get up and go for what we want in life. As a mother, how would you like it if your son or daughter grew up and did nothing with themselves but sat there and watched as their friends got up and went after their dreams? Distractions are everywhere, as I've said before, but we have to make a choice right now to make a move.

Start something, keep going and finish it. We were not born to stand still and watch others live. Find your purpose. Live your dream and don't let another day go by without taking those steps to finishing that project in your life. There's no such thing as an overnight success. If you must, do some research and watch the stories of those celebrities we may be fans of. See how they overcame the obstacles to get to where they are now. Just remember there is no comparison and things won't go the same way for you.

So stay focus and enjoy the daily steps it takes to get to where you want to be in life.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Off Balance

It’s been a little over a week since I’ve posted anything so my question is...
Am I the only one who hates to feel off balance or shall I say unorganized?
I try to be organized because it’s what I Like to do,but lately my planning on paper is the only thing that seems to make sense compared to my reality. I don't know why I get in these episodes of slacking off. I am great with planning and putting things together but then I start to drift away.
I mean, I know I’m not like this CEO of a big company and I have a million meetings to attend or deals to close (lets over exaggerate for a second), but I still feel with the life I have, I need some order to get through my days smoothly.  I know for sure God is the only one who pushes me back on the right track when I get distracted.
For example, I didn’t have much sleep this past Sunday Night, due to me not feeling good. Surprisingly I wasn’t really tired at all that morning. I knew I was going to be tired towards the end of the work shift though and MY PLAN was to go to bed early. DID I? NOPE! I just laid in my bed and scrolled through my phone as if I had some REALLY important things to look at. I definitely didn’t hear NO alarm and woke up 1 hour later then I was supposed.
So the point of all this is to STAY ON TRACK. Where ever you may be headed in life, stick to the schedule you created for yourself.  Being side tracked in today’s world can definitely break you and set you behind a little too far then what you thought.  
I know I have gone through some things that have put me off and now I am thinking it’s about that time to shift my focus back and fight to stay there.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Acceptance and Love

As you get older and grow through things (notice I said grow and not go), you start to see life in a different light. I’m not just talking about circumstances, but also the people you hang around and others you just come in contact with on a daily basis.
 You often can feel vibes of others when you first introduce yourself; that vibe can either pull you in or make you run away.  What I’ve come to realize this past weekend is that I am starting to accept people where they are in life.  Without the stress of trying to change them for what I THINK they should be like. Nobody is perfect and everyone has their own journey to go through. 

I know growing up, I’ve always been that friend where I will tell someone what I think is better for them, (probably still the same way today lol) but i came out in a forceful way of trying to actually change them.  I had to learn that people can’t change people, only God can. We can provide the inspiration and the tools, but ultimately it’s up to that person and God to make those changes.

I’ve always wanted to see the good in people and watch them reach their full potential.  I can tell God is working on me to be in inspiration to others. As I am constantly praying and asking for his strength and guidance to do what I’m supposed to do. I want to be molded into that woman He wants me to be.
I can say I am not perfect but I am happy and I am going to choose to stay that way. Every day is a gift and I am thankful for the ones I still communicate with and choose to be around. Family is family, whether they are in the blood line are not; we all come from GOD anyway.

I also think accepting our children for who they become and not forcing them to be who we want them to be, could be beneficial. When they get older, they will remember the things we taught them to guide them on the right path. So when they do fall off or get side tracked, those words we instilled into them will come right on time to pull them back on track.

So anyways, accept yourself, your children and those who you surround yourself with and always do it with LOVE!!!