Sunday, May 22, 2016

Start to Finish

Have you ever began a project and never finished it? By project I mean anything, like starting a diet, an exercise routine or even wanting to do something more of what you enjoy instead of pushing it off. The project can be bettering yourself mentally, physically, financially or whatever it may be. I'm pretty sure we've all had those moments or have those moments right now.

I know for a fact that it is a daily struggle of mine and the days keep going by as I am still standing still . This past week has taught me a few things about life and how each one of us is accountable for ourselves and what we do in our life. I'm sure we all know that, but do we actually apply that knowledge to our own lives?

We can watch others live their lives and wish as we're scrolling through Instagram or Facebook. We can wonder why we're not where they are in life or enjoying it as much as they make it seem on the pictures they post. One thing I've come to realize is we're not on the same journey as others. We can't sit here and wish and hope and don't do. We have to get up and do something with ourselves. Those people we follow on the social media are doing what they chose to do but you have to remember they had to get up and go for what they wanted. I can sit here all day if I want to and let days pass me by until something dramatic happens. Then I have regrets on why I didn't start to move sooner than later.

Don't wait for those dramatic moments in life to get your attention for you to move. It's so easy to give up and stay still and watch. It takes strength and self discipline to get up and go for what we want in life. As a mother, how would you like it if your son or daughter grew up and did nothing with themselves but sat there and watched as their friends got up and went after their dreams? Distractions are everywhere, as I've said before, but we have to make a choice right now to make a move.

Start something, keep going and finish it. We were not born to stand still and watch others live. Find your purpose. Live your dream and don't let another day go by without taking those steps to finishing that project in your life. There's no such thing as an overnight success. If you must, do some research and watch the stories of those celebrities we may be fans of. See how they overcame the obstacles to get to where they are now. Just remember there is no comparison and things won't go the same way for you.

So stay focus and enjoy the daily steps it takes to get to where you want to be in life.