Thursday, July 14, 2016

Contagious Emotions

Do you think your emotions can rub off on your children and how they respond to direction or anything else in life? I ask this because I’ve started to notice my boys’ reactions to certain things I ask them to do. They often act lazy or whiny when it comes to me giving them directions to do what’s important. 

Am I to blame?

My last post was about being absent and how often I don’t really give the attention to my kids they need. With that being said, can this reaction be the result of them not being attended to? With hardly any male figure(s) around, due to their father’s career, it can be hard for me to be the serious parent they need when it comes to discipline. (I admit, I baby them and give them their way when I know I need to be stern) I definitely believe boys need that manly voice in their life in order to straighten up.

 SO what is a mother to do?
                I know I am very emotional and I often react off of my emotions and don’t control them as I should. This isn’t just towards my kids, but in life period.  Can uncontrolled emotions be genetically passed down or even picked up when you don’t even notice? Being a mother, as I’ve said before, is a DAILY learning process. There’s no way to perfect that title, when you’re learning something new EVERYDAY. You can get all types of advice from other mothers, but it all depends on the mindset of that parent.

My advice to myself and other mothers is, try not to over-react when things don’t’ go the way you’ve planned.  Every day is going to be a different challenge, which you will have to face and get through.  When you notice your faults, try and come up with solutions to resolve them. Pay close attention to what your children do and their reactions and speak with them about it.