Sunday, June 12, 2016

Words Are Powerful

I seen this picture and it almost made me cry. It says a lot about how we live and what we say to each other. It starts in our childhood years. We as mothers most definitely have been affected somehow in our younger years. Those words are in the reflection on how we see ourselves and how we see and treat others. Our children should not be a victim of those harsh words that was once said to us. We have to be more careful with what we say around them and especially to them. Words have power in someone's life, whether we know it or not. It can uplift or bring down someone's self esteem, regardless of how confident they may seem on the outside. We often count on what someone says to us as either a booster to how we act or move in life. I've come to realize that there are many things that have slowed me down from progressing. There are areas in my life that was affected because of what someone said to me. Those words continue to play in my mind and it only gets me down.
But no matter what anybody says to you, whether good or bad, you have to realize what YOU SAY or BELIEVE matters the most. You can have a 100 stabs of negativity thrown at you, but if you already know you are not what they say and believe you are an over-comer, then ALL praises to you and keep going.
You ever wonder why the children and teens react they way they do nowadays? With many of the violent acts, whether its gang related, suicide or just kids killing their parents. Where does this come from? Could it been a word or words that were said to that child many times? With no outlet or way out of the negative things pressed in their mind, they reacted only in a way they felt would take away the pain.

Do you believe that? I know for sure everything starts in the home. I know I have work to do, as far as molding my kids to be the best they can be. But we can only do so much right?
But if there was ONE thing you could do to change a person's life, what would it be??

I would definitely inspire them with my words!!!!