Friday, April 22, 2016

Your Time Is Valuable

Well my week was almost productive.  I believe my good intentions are going take time to act out to get on the right track.

Disciplining is definitely a mind thing and will take some time to adjust too, but the best thing about all of this is NEVER GIVING UP!

No matter how long it may take me to accomplish something, i have to KEEP PUSHING, KEEP GOING AND KEEP GROWING. 

Life lessons are always thrown at you every day and it’s up to you use those and reflect on what they can do for you to keep succeeding.
I often wonder how some things I tend to know and other things I DONT.

The world has so much for us to learn. In my opinion, if you have no interest in certain things, why does it matter we know everything?

The whole idea is to be open minded about whats going on around you. If anything you learn benefits you, then stick with it and keep learning about it. 

So I think this year I’m going to step out the box a little and take time to learn about things that may benefit me that I usually don’t think about.
I challenge you also to take some time to learn something new, you never know how it can benefit you or even help another.

And again….