Saturday, April 30, 2016


I often think about how much fast food I eat on a DAILY basis and how it adds up. It’s not just going through a drive thru, but ordering take out or stopping by the nearest gas station to grab something to eat as well. 

I’m starting to realize it is definitely adding up. I believe financially and I’m sure if I don’t stop now, those pounds I lost will come creeping back.
So the question is WHY I CANT JUST…..
Image result for HD stop sign pictures
Does anyone else have this problem? Or am I like the laziest mother on earth lol?

 I mean if you’re a single parent like me and you work that regular 8 hour shift, 5 days a week and by the time you get home , it’s time for bed already, wouldn’t you want to just grab something to eat on the way too?
Honestly, I don’t see anything wrong eating out once or twice a week, but on a daily basis, I feel like I have a case of the laziness.
There’s drug addictions and then there are fast food addictions, which I admit I have a problem with and I don’t know when and why this has started.


There’s a new month is around the corner (literally tomorrow) so I feel I need to stop whining and start taking control, self-control that is. If I am going to be a talking inspiration to others around me, I also need to walk that talk.
So I started my Saturday off good, I had a whole wheat bagel and 2 boiled eggs and a small cup of OJ. (Healthy huh?) Instead of my normal Saturday morning breakfast including pancakes w/ extra syrup, scrambled eggs and cheese and whatever breakfast meat I have.

Let’s just hope that all these good ideas in my brain and all that I’m venting about on this blog, will actually take place in my life.  So if somebody I know sees me chowing down a Big Mac, someone please smack me back to reality.

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